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The dance of harmonizing sanskars #18


The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_18     Mohini_Didi     October 18, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

Everyone is full, right? Meeting Baba and a beautiful gathering, Diamond Hall was full, 15,000 and maybe more came during the day. So many were sharing their experience that how powerful the meeting was, and it didn't seem like Baba is not directly sitting in front of us. Baba is actually speaking to us and giving us drishti. It was such a real feeling. Now Baba is talking about faith in the intellect. Trust is in the mind and faith is in the intellect. Trust is in the heart, and the stage of faith is carefree. Baba was talking also about fears of success, not being successful, it might not work, so many concerns, many fears are constantly around in our thoughts, in our reasoning, in the mind and intellect. So if we are not able to be carefree, that means there is some percentage of something lacking in our faith in the intellect. So I think we should take time, whenever there are a few moments, and observe yourself, check yourself. Why am I getting wasteful thoughts? Why am I taking so long to decide about something? Why am I not able to have minimum thoughts, just necessary not wasteful and a lot of thoughts? If we ask ourselves these questions, immediately we will know that I have faith, but not 100% faith. Now is the time really to be successful, to be victorious, to have 100% faith. So we are like Angad. We are also unshakable ones. We also observe that Maya comes and goes in different ways, but Baba's children get some fears. Oh, if this happens what will happen? If this happens, immediately we should change the thought and say that it's all right the first thing won't happen. If it happens, Baba will help. If it happens, I will still be victorious. If it happens, I will be able to overcome obstacles. So do not allow the concerns and the fears to stay around in the thoughts, because we then don't achieve 100% results. So to remain 100% faith in the intellect and trust in the heart is very important. When some children are not able to make effort, they blame their nature. I am like that. I always think this way. My nature is like this. Baba says when they say that their nature is like that, your duty is to do a nature cure, swabhav. Nature is swabhav, and swabhav means self. Our feelings towards myself and towards others should be pure. When you have such faith in the intellect, you will definitely be victorious. So, to be successful in our task, in our life, and to be victorious, but also deeply within having no concerns and being carefree with a nishchay, nishchint. You know that everything is nishchit, and that means it’s fixed, it’s Drama. Whatever happens there will be some benefit, whether it is upheaval, whether it is conflict. Whatever scene of Drama, there is some benefit which we are not able to see immediately. Drama unfolds more and reveals itself, then I say, “Oh, I know why that was happening, now I know that this also is good.” So it takes time maybe, but in between, don't allow your faith to be shaken. Be consistent in your faith so that you can see victory, you can feel success, and remain very carefree. So everyone must be full meeting Baba today.

Om Shanti



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