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The dance of harmonizing sanskars #20


The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_20      Mohini_Didi       October 20, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone happy, joyful? I like when Baba said that when you are happy, there will be natural remembrance, connection of happiness and remembrance. I think we need to churn and reflect and be more clear about how sanskars emerge. Baba wants us to emerge divine sanskars. Baba wants us to emerge eternal and original sanskars. So how do sanskars emerge? It could be through the sense organs also. You see something, you hear something, and sanskars can emerge. Sometimes they are so forceful the feelings, like internally some conflict, some struggle is going on. These are the sanskars of the Copper Age or sometimes sanskars of the warrior class that emerge. We do experience that feelings are different from time to time, and those feelings are from the sanskars that emerge. So one is like let's see what emerges, you observe it, and the other is that we practise in such a way that the divine sanskars emerge. Baba says the words ‘eternal’ and ‘original.’ Eternal is of the soul, and original is of the Golden Age. That's where we begin our journey. So let us practise emerging those sanskars, eternal sanskars, the sanskars of knowledge, purity, happiness, peace, love, and power. We believe that these are my eternal sanskars. I am a soul, a point of light. Then I think about the qualities through my thoughts. As much as I think of those sanskars, they start feeling very natural. I really feel that I am a soul. I am peaceful. I am a soul. I am loveful. So sanskars emerge, like when you are peaceful, then you are cheerful, something which is visible. Cheerfulness and so many qualities, divine qualities, emerge. So Baba is saying that when pure sanskars emerge then automatically you start becoming the image of those qualities, the embodiment. I like that very much. Just as people are able to catch sound before something appears, in the same way, you have to catch your deity sanskar of 5,000 years ago. Always have the awareness that I was that, and I am becoming that once again. The more you are able to catch your eternal and original sanskars, pure sanskars, the more you will be able to become that form, and also the image. That's the very interesting part. We take this homework and we do it, emerge pure eternal, original sanskars and from there, because of your pure sanskars, your image will also be appearing of the same qualities. Whether it is cheerful, contentment, happiness, all different qualities emerge. So let us practise this, it is very beautiful.

 Om Shanti



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