The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_22 Mohini_Didi October 22, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Baba wants us to have the quality of sweetness. So what do you feel about yourself? Dr. Nirmala was talking about realization. There are two things; realization could be of weaknesses, but realization could also be of your purity, of your love for Baba. Realization can also be for the self, and appreciating your qualities. Why only weaknesses? When there is realization, then you appreciate yourself, your qualities, and it helps others also. So, I think that realization of your own good qualities is very important. We celebrate a meeting with BapDada, but the greatest meeting is to harmonize sanskars amongst ourselves. Every task is easy with everyone's cooperation, but if the mind is not in a good stage, then we don't realize or we don’t cooperate. When we don’t cooperate, then everything becomes very difficult. So it’s a very good point that if we all become one, when these sanskars are harmonized, there will be cries of victory. For this, imbibe the virtue of sweetness. Everything begins from within the mind; bitterness, conflict, differences. They all arise in the mind first, but if you pay attention, don’t allow that to happen, then there won’t be any problem. For this, imbibe the virtue of sweetness. Baba says not to speak anything bitter or taunting, criticizing, or words of criticism. When you meet someone you greet that person. We greet one another by shaking hands. Whereas here, it is the meeting of sanskars. People extend their hands immediately. Then Baba says that everyone becomes similar and the same sansksars as Father emerge, then the world will be one, righteous, and we also harmonize with each other. I think it is something so easy unless I am very strong in my sanskar. Everyone has so much internal love for Baba. Everyone is internally practicing good Raj Yogis. I find everyone is making effort. So this is love for each other where we can be different, but it is okay. We harmonize sanskars with each other. So it is very beautiful to have the sweetness of nature and harmonizing the sanskars.
Om Shanti