The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanksars_24 Mohini_Didi October 24, 2024
Om Shanti!
Everyone is okay? It is so interesting when Dadi Janki talks about detachment from everyone. It seems a little hard but actually it makes efforts easy, because if we want our yoga of intellect with Baba, then we have to be detached. So, some of the principles, some of the dharnas help the efforts to be easy, otherwise there is constant pull which is not good for yoga. So, it's very interesting, and then Avyakt BapDada also said that sometimes there are attainments, but actually it's Maya. We get attainment from God, but actually it is Maya’s temptation. So bodily relationships, to be detached from that, is the final paper. Also when we know that we have to pass with honor, then you are free from all attachments. Most of you find it difficult. Some say that it is natural, but if you are really, internally, in practice of soul- consciousness, you won't have attachment. Baba is saying it and we all like to make everything easy. So, the way we think, the way we talk, if we remember the attainments then it's very easy. Maya definitely will try to interfere. The whole day you will be doing good and suddenly something will happen and your stage is gone. So, at least 24 hours I should know that I did pay attention when there were attainments. Some have this easy nature. One time Baba said if your clothes are tight and you have to take off suddenly, you can’t. It is the same with sanskars. If they are clung to your body, there is body- consciousness and you will find everything difficult. We have come to Baba. I know that for so many years now, many say, “Oh, I will leave, it is difficult, I don't want to surrender.” I always tell them that one day you will be sent home or you go home, you will lose your fortune. So never think that way or even say it in that way, because that could happen. You might not get to stay in the Yagya, then what will you do? Our fortune, being detached, love for the unlimited family, all are very important. I have never said that in my whole life. Make efforts in the right way so these thoughts do not come. So, Baba is saying, “Let the costume of your body not cling to any sanskar.” It is very interesting what kind of sanskars create body consciousness. When you become detached from all your old sanskars, your stage too will become unique. Therefore, remain easy in everything. When you yourself remain easy in everything, then all tasks will become easy, and effort will also become easy.
We have ‘Call of the Time’ starting, and there are very high position people. So they allow them to do shopping as soon as they come. They go to Dilwara, go to the hospital, do shopping so once it begins, they do not go. There is a group of 70, and they all are very high-quality people. So when they went to the market, they only bought kurta pajamas for everyone. One of the brothers was saying, “I couldn't believe it. I thought they would buy different things, but they just want that.” I said, “That is because it's a comfortable dress and they feel like our own brothers and sisters.” Brahmins were all wearing different kinds of clothes, and lokik people bought kurta pajamas. The food they were eating, they went to the hospital and a song was played. They all started dancing in super sensuous joy, very interesting. So, when they come here, everyone even after they travel so long, everyone is well, they are happy, they are enjoying everything. Then in the evening, we went to the hospital. They were doing their annual and also, they wanted to pay respects to brother Nirwair, because the hospital is actually his production. He said, “Why do people have to run to other cities when they need a specialist?” It is not easy to get doctors, because they need a lot of salary, and we can't really because many when they go to hospital, they don't give a donation or contribution or even the fee. So doctors charge a lot. It’s their future, it’s their career. One doctor said yesterday that most of them actually were inspired by Nirwair Bhai or Dr. Pratap. So, one said, “Oh, I just came for a year, but it's 26 years now.” They live their own lives. He got married and has two children, but he only works there. So, we are encouraging doctors to have early retirement and come and serve. Some have started coming twice a month, some come once in a week from different cities and they are specialists. So, one of his qualities was to help people. They feel that they hope they have enough donations, so they don't have to look for someone to pay them, but I always say, “Why don't we contribute?” When you are cured, you have treatment, you get well, you should contribute more, do more charity, that's what my feelings always are. Why not give more so that the hospital has enough to serve those who don't have. Whether it's your family that goes to the hospital or you go to the hospital, you must contribute. So, make your life easy, charitable, and be a good donor. It's very important.
Om Shanti