The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanksars_3 Mohini_Didi October 3, 2024
Om Shanti
It is considered very auspicious, and we call it nine nights of goddesses that began for us yesterday, for you all today. We were for a few days offering Bhog to ancestor souls. That is over now. I think we have shown you all how one goddess is worshiped. I was thinking today that Baba has given us the aim to be divine. We began our spiritual journey with the thought that we were gods and goddesses, and it appealed to us. That is why we accepted Baba's teachings and we began our journey. So, we have to keep reminding ourselves; what is my aim? What am I becoming? It is very important, otherwise our journey becomes very ordinary. We are reminding ourselves of what we have to do, what we are becoming, what service we are doing, that we are creating the world of divine beings. For that, one of the important things is dying alive. As soon as we say dying, the old is finished. So, Baba is saying that this Brahmin birth is the birth of dying alive. For all of you children, to die alive means to die to your body, your friends, and your relatives and the old world. When someone dies, the sanskars are also finished. So to let your sanskars of the past be like they were someone else’s and not yours. Just as Brahmins do not touch anything which is non-veg or dirty, in the same way, protect yourself from old sanskars. Baba said, “Do not touch old sanskars.” It seems like a lot of effort goes into finishing old sanskars, but what about cultivating new ones? There are certain habits, but you create certain different habits. Like when I came in knowledge, we used to take onions, maybe not garlic all the time, and I remember that in our home they used to make onion pickle. They would cut it very tasty, but then when we came to Gyan, we started making carrots and all the vegetables, and I started losing the taste in a natural way. For many things, we find that you start losing the taste. So, it is the same, because let us say I want to have pure thoughts. The old thoughts come from old sanskars. Pure thoughts have to come from pure sanskars. Whenever I have a good thought, a pure thought, I feel very happy. So, we can cultivate new sanskars, and then the old ones will change. You yourself will feel that I do not like it, why is this happening to me? Let me enjoy, let me be joyful, why am I sulking? So, you yourself, for your own self, you change. So that is something very important. I think it is not difficult to change the old sanskars. Remind yourself to inculcate the new sanskars. Experiment with some of the qualities, experiment with some of the powers automatically in a very natural way, but also start practicing soul consciousness. So, when you practice experiencing virtues and powers, then automatically the new will emerge and the old will finish.
Om Shanti