The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_30 Mohini_Didi October 30, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Happy to see you all! It's so nice to see family from all over. We are in Shantivan. This year we’re not celebrating Diwali. We are offering Bhog and meditation but not a big celebration or any lightning. Brother Nirvair, very popular, not only in the divine family, but even in the town, because he tried to help anyone who came, whether servants or the public. I hear so many little stories of his help, but one of the important things is listening to everyone, what their problem is, what their difficulty is, what their trouble is. So everyone used to feel that there is someone they can tell their internal troubles to. That was great service, a relationship that is very altruistic, very pure, just sympathy, a lot of love, and then the little needs that they have are also fulfilled. So because of that, when he left body, many many were standing on the road with garlands. So out of respect for him, we are not celebrating, even though he might be happy if we celebrate, because he always loved us to be happy also. So the celebration is minimal, but there is still a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of love. So the Avyakti signal for today, ‘watch the gates of Maya.’ We have become conquerors of Maya. They say that if you conquer Maya, you conquer the whole world. So many forms of Maya will come, basically we know that there are five vices, and until the end, you don't know what kind of desires can emerge. So they say to hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil, but most important is to think no evil. So the main gates of Maya are actually our eyes, our ears, and our mouth. We see things that could disturb us, attract us, upset us. Same is with listening. These days we have to be detached observers, because everyone has one's own side of the story. You have to listen to the whole story, and basically, when people have greed or self-interest, they create stories and then describe those stories. So there is a lot of wasteful thinking, wasteful speaking. Baba is saying that just as you keep watch on the gates, in the same way, you also have to watch the gates of Maya so that no devilish sanskar or thoughts enter. No matter what type of souls come in front of you, he will be liberated from devilish sanskars and wasteful thoughts. When you do this type of service, revelation will take place. Any kind of conflict, any kind of dispute, or difference of opinion, creating some confusion, doesn't reveal Baba, it doesn't glorify Baba. Understanding, love for each other, good wishes for each other, not to go against anyone, Baba heals us, cures us through His spiritual love. Love can bring transformation. So as much as we receive love from Baba, we know that there are laws and there are rules and regulations. They also have to be applied with love, because we could create a lot of karmas by proving what others did wrong. How do we help others? Look at what Baba did, what the Dadis did. We cannot adopt the lokik way, we adopt what Baba gave, spiritual love, a lot of spiritual knowledge, sharing of spiritual knowledge with each other. We use many different ways to help other souls. What Baba did, I have to do the same. What the Dadis did, I have to do. Then I'm sure I'm not creating any karmic accounts. Baba says to close or watch the gates of Maya, who is coming in and who is going out in terms of thoughts first, and then of course words and attitude, but do not allow Maya to enter.
Om Shanti