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Dance of harmonizing sanskars #31


Updated: Jan 7

The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_31         Mohini_Didi      October 31, 2024   

Om Shanti Everyone!

Happy Diwali, joyful Diwali! Baba is giving us such a beautiful blessing to be successful. I think that the most favorite experience one wants to have in life is to be successful. Whatever one does, you are successful. So, it's a very powerful and beautiful blessing. Be easy but attentive. As soon as you find that any sanskar is emerging, the sanskar from the trace of any vice, because Baba is comparing these vices to devils. Just  imagine if there are sanskars of devils emerging, then our behavior, our words will be very powerful in the negative way. So, Baba had been warning us to be careful. If you are not, then you do not know any time in life, when you have attained everything, you are about to reach the stage of perfection, you are careless thinking that I am perfect, I have reached a high stage, I have all the blessings. Suddenly, you will find sanskars emerging. So, I think it was a very powerful experience. Do not be affected by your sanskars or the sanskars of others. If we are attentive, then we will definitely have beautiful experiences of how you can overcome different situations. There are so many scenes in the Drama, but if you are attentive, then every scene will be a beautiful scene, and you will be able to have a beautiful experience. So, a new series will begin. 

Om Shanti 

Happy Diwali, big celebration, and it's all Internal, awakening, lightning igniting the inner lamp. Baba is giving us the blessing to be successful. How many of you think you are an image of contentment? Tolerance, success, and contentment all go together. Everything is okay actually, or everything can be better, but when it is okay we have to have contentment, knowing that it could be better, and we make it better. So, that is very important to remember. As Baba is saying, all the powers are required for success. So, in any field of service, in order to become an embodiment of success, imbibe the virtue of tolerance. Just as a patient person carefully considers everything before he carries out a task, think sensibly and definitely achieve success. Thinking carefully means sensibly. So, Baba says that similarly one who is tolerant is able to cool down those who are with strong sanskars with the power of tolerance, and makes them cooperative. If you want to transform people, then you have to have tolerance. People have different sanskars, and these days, it's very normal to be forceful, they feel that's one of the methods. If you really want to cool off someone, change their ideas, make them believe something, make them cooperative, it's very important to have the power of tolerance. Tolerance is not to be subservient. Tolerance is a very royal quality. You can ignore it. You don't have to respond or react to every action of others. So to be successful, have tolerance, and then you will definitely have contentment also. So, it is a new homework. We will take from Baba the blessing of success and move forward.

Om Shanti   



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