The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanksars_4 Mohini_Didi October 4, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Everyone is ok? How many marks should you give yourself for being in self-respect and giving respect to others? How much respect does Baba give us? Three times Baba says sweet sweet sweet children. Whatever is anyone’s nature, Baba gives respect to everyone. There was no difference for Baba, whether it was Dadi Prakashmani or Bholidadi, they both had different duties. One was in the kitchen cooking and helping Baba’s Bhandara, but the other one was the head of the organization, or was about to become that. Baba gave equal respect to both, Baba never disrespects anyone. Many officers used to come for inquiries, they wanted to know from where you get all money, what are your disciplines, or any kind of inquiry. Baba will go in the room for a few minutes of silence, then come out and start talking to them as a child, as God’s children. They had to do the inquiry because they were on official assignment, so they had to ask all the questions, but they were very respectful to Baba. Baba was so respectful that they were touched that we have come for inquiries, but the way He was talking to them immediately gave them the feeling that He is our father. That’s how Baba served everyone. I have shared before too that once Baba was in Delhi, quite a big crowd, about 2000, and in the middle of Murali, one woman, mother, got up and started shouting very ugly words at Baba. So Baba kept looking at her, then he said, “Come daughter come.” So she was kind of surprised, but she still came and Baba said, “Sit here.” Then Baba asked her what her problem is. He didn’t say, “Why are you talking to me like that? or there were many security people who could’ve taken her out. Baba, with his hand, kept saying ‘don’t do anything, don’t do anything’. Then that woman changed so much because of Baba’s love and respect, that later on she became a very good child of Baba. So Baba was abused so many times because they were upset because of purity, or because of whatever reason, but Baba was not upset. So how did Baba maintain his sanskars or nature? This is not Shiv Baba I’m talking about, but Brahma Baba. We all have heard that Baba never in his life got angry even at his children, even if they stole things, or they bribed teachers, whatever. He would talk very nicely to them because we leave a trace amongst people of what we are, and they will start looking at you that way and that we won’t like, right? If someone looks at you as a rude person, will you like it? So we have to create our right image, our dignity, and one of the ways is to respect everyone, whatever they are.
So you all must have seen the inauguration. Baba is saying that in order to perform the dance of harmonizing sanskars, you will have to erase something and accommodate something. Even words such as ‘this is my sanskar’ should no longer emerge. Baba says that you have to erase everything to the extent that the nature of the past is changed, and you develop a Godly nature. As you move closer to one another, also continue to give respect to one another. By giving respect, harmonizing sanskars will become very easy because you’re not confronting, but you’re rather trying to harmonize. It’s very easy to react, to confront and get into arguments. I remember in one Murli Baba said that even when you’re discussing knowledge and somebody doesn’t agree, you don’t argue. Baba said to take all the titles of Baba, so it’s very very interesting. I remember in our lokik life also, there was so much discipline, love, everyone respected everyone, because if you have few people, you love one and not the other. You are causing a lot of sorrow, and that sorrow doesn’t bring blessings. No one should be hurt. So respect everyone, love everyone, try to harmonize sanskars, because it’s not your sanskars or my sanskars. So I don’t want your sanskar. Baba is saying that they are God’s sanskars. So what is there? I’m not copying your sanskar. Harmonizing is happening amongst us as Godly sanskars. That is why they say that when Shri Krishna was dancing with the Gopis, he had the same features, he was not different. So Baba has the same sanskars. It’s a very high destination, but it should be natural because we are his children. He has given us the inheritance of His sanskars. So all of us pay attention and keep a good record of giving respect to everyone.
Om Shanti