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Transcribed Classes

The dance of harmonizing sanskars #5


The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_5     Mohini_Didi        October 5, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone is okay? I have found that those who are regular in Avyakti Parivar, they stay well also. That's why you're able to be present. One of the annual programs called ‘Peace of Mind’ started. It’s generally 7-18 days, and there are about 160 participants. Mostly guides are there in a large number and I was able to take the session with that group on how to meditate. The word meditation actually came in 1962 when TM began, but actually, what is meditation? Just experience the original qualities of the soul, and discover the innate qualities of the soul. Think about that so that the qualities which you lost can be reclaimed. Baba says that peace is your religion of the self, so I don't have to remember which religion in which I was born, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, any religion. Now we know that the swa dharma of the soul is peace. So then I am peaceful. We experience peace, but how do we always remain peaceful? So many taints on the original qualities, eternal qualities. Think about that, it’s not difficult. Baba calls it sehaj Raj yoga. Today, Baba was talking about eight hours of remembrance and how to divide 24 hours. Then Baba grants you some extra, two hours. There are so many hours we go into wasteful thoughts, wasteful actions, and don't realize where time went. I don't think we have eight hours of remembrance yet. We should keep that aim, right? So, Baba is speaking about sanskars of perfection and success. In order to perform the dance of harmonizing sanskars, accept the things of one another and give regard. If you learn how to accept and how to give regard, then both perfection and success will come close. So what do you have to do for acceptance and regard? Baba says that when you are able to make many others into those with sanskars of perfection, then success will come close. When one makes many others into those with sanskars of perfection, then completion will take place. So it's not 1-10, but we all have to be in that stage. I have to be that and then others will follow. Many said that this one is not perfect, that is not perfect. So they only look at who is not perfect, but there are many who are also becoming perfect, and we have to look at them. In the Golden Age, the features of nature and the five elements, food, everything, everything is completely pure, because he sanskars are perfect, the elements are perfect. So our perfection will bring perfection in the world. Perfection will come by using every virtue, not only full, but consistent. We have to watch during the whole day how many times I lose patience or I lose sweetness. Baba smiled all day, and was very sweet, with lots of silence. He spoke whenever it was necessary. The silence is sweet, and I know most of us like silence, right? Speaking is not bad, but it's unnecessary to keep talking and talking. Go in deep silence, introversion, and new sanskars of perfection will definitely emerge. So let's do this homework for another day. 

Om Shanti



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