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Transcribed Classes

The dance of harmonizing sanskars #6


The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_6        Mohini_Didi       October 6, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

The best gift we can get from God is the jewels of knowledge. Brahma Baba was a jeweller, and jewellers are able to recognize the beauty, the value of the diamonds. Baba has selected all of us, and as those diamonds, He is making us flawless. So Baba‘s gift to us is jewels of knowledge, and when we really think about every        aspect of knowledge, every point of knowledge is so deep, so real, so true. Even some of the words are very common and maybe we read in the scriptures or we have heard or we are using them but actually, there is a lot of truth in everything. Baba decorates us every day. Baba is explaining to us that to think so and so is like that, their sanskars are like that, that is like becoming a judge, but look at everyone as the most valuable diamonds. At least our own drishti will become pure and elevated because if you look at defects, we are making ourselves defective. Then anyone who listens to you will say, “Oh, she always speaks about others, not good things about others.” So our image also becomes like that. For our Brahmin life, Baba has given us the aim to harmonise sanskars in such a way that you become like sakar Baba, and you claim your number one. This is a very interesting sanskar of remaining beyond and a detached observer. The more you harmonise your sanskars, the closer you will become to sakar form. There could be friendship, there could be love, there could be brotherly relationship, but on this path, we all are alone. If you want to go ahead, you can’t say that I will stay with this one, then you lose your number. It’s very interesting that you have to remain detached. So Baba says that those were the elevated qualifications of the stage of perfection of sakar. So, make your sanskars the same as those. Baba says that it is through this that you will become victorious over everyone’s heart. 

We have examples of sakar Baba and also examples of Dadi Prakashmani and Brother Nirvair too. So Baba says that those who win the hearts of others at the Confluence Age will become world emperor in the future. We have no status here, and as humble servers, you win the hearts of others, humility and sweetness is very important. If you win the hearts of others here, then Baba says in future too, your status will be based on that. Every one of us is different, and we give the example of Didi and Dadi, that they were two bodies but one soul, because they respected everyone, they accepted each other, and they gave a lot of cooperation to each other. They knew what power is less than this one, but they gave a lot of cooperation to each other. I remember Didi Manmohini, her health was not very good, but Dadi Prakashmani would give a lot of support. If she's not feeling well, she would give her some salvation, whatever facility she needed, very caring, very caring for each other and their support and caring is not attachment, but respect. When you respect someone, you co-operate. Whatever Prakashmani Dadi felt, her needs, Didi Manmohini would give. So that’s how they always say that they are two bodies, but the same soul. Both of them were very different. Dadi Prakashmani was a very strong person and Didi Manmohini was emotional. They used to call her Gopika, but both had to play their roles. When Mama left the body, Manmohini Didi was invited from Delhi to come and stay with Baba and take care of the Yagya. Her intellect, her spiritual love, everything was unique. 

All the double foreigners at that time, the tradition was when the family came, they would go and take drishti because Baba won’t meet them immediately. So everyone used to feel a lot of power from Didi. If you ask even today, they will share that experience while taking drishti from Manmohini Didi and Prakashmani laughing lightly, they would say goodbye to everyone. So there are two different personalities, that means two different sanskars, but no differences. Harmonising sanskars requires a lot of care and co-operation, and a lot of people wanted to see if they were really the same or would agree. So one brother wanted to become an actor and work in film. So he went to Dadi Prakashmani and she must have said no, not a good career, it won’t work. So then he went to Didi. So she sensed that he is trying to see if we are different, if the opinions were different. So she also said exactly what Dadi had said just to make him feel that they are the same. So, everyone found that even though they were different, Baba’s Shrimat is the same. If you have good yoga with Baba, you will catch Shrimat very clearly. What is right and what should be done will be one direction.

Om Shanti



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