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Transcribed Classes

The dance of harmonizing sanskars #7


The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_7        Mohini_Didi       October 7, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

Ok everyone, studying well? Yesterday a group came and even new ones were saying, “Now we are Baba’s children, we are Baba’s children.” So I said, “Then what is next that you have to do? You have to remember Baba, next you have to be a good student, and then you become followers.” Baba is our Father, then he is our Teacher, then he is Satguru Baba. Baba as the Ocean of Knowledge is giving us knowledge, and we have to study. So someone said, “Oh I  do study, and then they invite me once  a month and I stay.” So is there any school or college in the world where you only study once a month? Students are not invited, a student will join and go regularly, every day, and if it is not possible to go, at least go twice Thursday and Sunday, or Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. When you will study, then you will have more attainments. As a child yes, you feel good, you remember Baba, but as a student you will become a worthy child. Baba likes good students. From the beginning, Baba never allowed me to sit in the 2nd row, always first in the front and that seat I had, even during Avyakt Bapdada, Baba gave me that seat, so that I would sit with attention while studying. So what Baba likes is total attention. When Shiv Baba came, Brahma Baba would also listen very attentively. Baba notices that, and then He pays more attention to you. He knows that you are taking full benefit, not that you are looking here and there. When you are studying and understanding properly, the teacher will look at you. If the teacher knows that you are not going to do homework and you are not going to become a good student, then generally there is attention, but not special. So I tell everyone, “All of you, be good students, listen to murli properly, not a cup of tea in hand and listen to murli.” If you cannot go to the center, but at the same time when there is class at the center, you take a shower, wear white clothes, put on a badge, take a diary in hand, go and study. Even if you study at home, but you study the way you would study in school, that is Gita patashala or  the center. You will definitely get marks like a good student. 

If you want to get more love from Baba, then the third stage is a follower. Be obedient, do what Baba wants you to do. Baba saw me and I will never sit and talk wastefully. I never had conflict with anyone. Whatever they are, they are my  friends, they are my brothers and sisters, and I have a lot of love towards everyone. The Satguru likes to see obedience, not only to Him, but as brother Nirwair said, appreciate everyone. Everyone is good, and doing what they are doing. So appreciate their character, do not criticize. Never criticize. Sometimes once in a while you get entangled, right? This one is like that, that one is like that. We all are different and we all have to be different, we all cannot be the same. So it's a very good point, if you want to celebrate, if you want to dance with joy, then appreciate. Appreciate the whole family, appreciate those who are feeding you. No criticism but appreciation, then there is celebration. So, Baba is talking about sanskars. What exactly are sanskars? When you do action, they imprint, or the impression which is left in you becomes sanskar. The more you do the same thing, it becomes a very strong and firm sanskar. Then from that sanskar emerges your thoughts, your habits, your attitude, everything is your sanskar. Now how to make sanskars pure? Today’s Avyakt signal, you could create sanskars also. You don't have to say, “I did it because it's my sanskar.” So, why don’t you change it, right? At the thought level, the level of words, Drishti, attitude whatever. Baba says to see one’s character, and the living being, the soul, in order to transform the sanskars of attraction to the body that pulls you against your will. Many sanskars could emerge, just imagine from Copper Age, Iron Age, and all those sanskars are of body consciousness. That is why Baba used to tell us that until the end, you have to pay attention. You don't know in the end, the sanskar of laziness can emerge, the sanskar of attraction can emerge. You don't know which sanskars are left. So be careful until the end. Baba says pay attention to two things. The first one is to see each one's character. The second one is only to see the living being, that is the soul at present. This is the main effort required to see the character and living being. So with this effort, your sanskars will continue to be purified. It's only when what is not needed is removed. That is clean, purified, and your body conscious vision is finished. One is erasing and the other is creating. By creating, it will also be erased. By erasing that also is good. Both ways, you have to do it for sanskars. So do this homework.

Om Shanti 



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