Dance_Of_Haromonizing_Sanskars_8 Mohini_Didi October 8, 2024
Om Shanti!
Lovely to see all of you! You all are okay, happy, supersensuous joy, full mind! We don’t want Maya or the mind to entertain us. We want to remain supersensuous. We are in Shantivan. Lots of things always keep happening,very big campuses of Baba, big Sarovars; Gyan Sarovar, Mansarovar, Anand Sarovar, Shakti Sarovar. Amazing what Baba has provided us for tapasya. The rooms are better and better. Sometimes it is out of fear that we are not honest. Someone can get upset. You can be scolded, your image might be spoiled. They say it is better to speak the truth one time than to tell 10 lies, because lying is something you have to cover up. So you repeat, you say it again, you say things differently. If you are honest, truthful, then you say it once and that is the truth. So it is beautiful. Most of the time it is easy, and sometimes it’s not. So we start hiding sometimes, but if we remain open, truthful, most people think honesty is better. Actually, there are two things;character and money. From the very beginning, it is one of our principles that I will always speak the truth. I won’t do things under greed because greed also makes us dishonest. There are temptations and desires. So when we belong to Baba, we don’t need anything. If we are really full with Baba’s attainments, I don’t need anything. In my spiritual journey, I have seen that whatever one needs, Baba provides, but don’t have any personal desire. Needs are always fulfilled by Baba, but greeds are not. For greed, you have to do it yourself. When there is honesty, there is need, then definitely you are full. Baba gives you everything.
So the homework that Baba is giving us is beautiful, and that is honesty and cleanliness. Honesty, I think we understand more. Cleanliness here is about impressions. Whether in speaking or holding an attitude, look at everyone’s nature as it is, but I am not responsible to hold that. Sometimes we think it is our duty. Baba has been saying a lot not to be a judge, in order to transform the rubbish, the conflict of whatever is in your mind. Baba says to inculcate the virtues of honesty and cleanliness. One of the best methods is really that we check and we know that I can be better in cleanliness or I can be better in honesty. Then what virtue do I inculcate? Always remember that Baba will be pleased when there is honesty. Not only that, but everything becomes our habit. We do it once, twice, a third time. It is constant. We should always remember that honesty is the best policy, my policy, my nature. My principle is to remain honest. The aim should be as a karma yogi. I was thinking about Brahma Baba and Dadi Prakashmani. Dadi Prakashmani always used to say, “I always speak the truth, and my heart is clean. I don’t have anything towards anyone.” So this is the type of cleanliness. So, if we want to compare our quality of efforts and quality of stage, we should look at them. Then I was thinking that Brahma Baba was so fresh. In the early morning he would wake up and he would get busy churning. He could get busy in remembrance of Baba. Baba was able to do it, but we all are not necessarily 100%. So I was thinking what the reason could be? Is it just the body? Baba’s body was old too. So Baba is saying that in order to transform the rubbish of the conflict, whatever is in your mind, inculcate the virtues of honesty and cleanliness. Let there not be anything artificial in your thoughts, words, or actions. Artificial is acquired, it is not natural. Honesty means you only speak of what you do and what you think. Those who are honest to this extent will be loved by everyone.The Lord remains pleased with those who are honest. So honesty here is in dealing, and honesty here is truthfulness.Truth combined with honesty. So the homework for us is to remain honest and clean. Everyone is different and we all are in the process of cleaning ourselves. As much we clean, that much the fears will go, and we will also be honest.
Om Shanti