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The dance of harmonizing sanskars #9


The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_9        Mohini_Didi         October 9, 2024
The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_9        Mohini_Didi         October 9, 2024

Om Shanti!

It’s so beautiful to hear brother Nirvair ji. He is always very positive and talks about Brahmin life as a life of celebration. Some make Brahmin life a struggle, some make it like a battle, but he is saying there is so much to celebrate. There is the richness of the knowledge, churning of knowledge, what God is, and what He does. Whatever He does, people praise Him. So, just to think that Baba is the Bestower, what He bestows, that there is so much love, bhavna that people have for God. So it's very high thinking that should be in Brahmin life. I like when he talks about celebrating. Celebrate Brahmin life. It’s serious in the sense that you have to be positive and not get distracted, affected, and react to all these subtle sanskars that have to be changed. So even the homework for us is to be detached from our old sanskars. We listen to brother Nirvair ji about moving forward, and being elevated, royal. It's very very beautiful, I like it very much, and also get inspired. Whatever the condition of his body was, his mood, his thinking, way of meeting people, increased enthusiasm of everyone. Also to have the vision for the Yagya, the needs of the Yagya. I was thinking that he created so many new things. They were mentioning about Diamond Hall, that he's the one who really was involved, and even, Om Shanti Bhavan. So instead of staying in a very gross physical sanskars stay in something creative, something different, new, where you enjoy but others can also celebrate with you. He used to keep the Dadis very light. If anything happened he would make it light and say to Dadi, “Dadi this is something very simple, this is something very easy.” 

So Baba is giving homework ‘to be loving and to be detached’. I think we had been hearing these words from the very beginning, and then we compare that with the stage of being a lotus flower. Every time, there is some different explanation of that. So we pay attention and take different aspects of the same point of being light and loving, being detached and loving. Detach in a way that the past is passed, be in the present. Enjoy and use every moment in a loving way, but if you stick to the past, still keep thinking about the past, you can’t be loving and light. There is something good coming, and we won't enjoy that, because the past is still hanging around me. So actually real detachment, whether from a situation or from people, the sanskar is to make the past as passed, and that's when I read the signals I get from Baba. Old sanskars are a gross thing. Baba said that now even old thoughts have to be finished. The reason that the old sanskars are emerging is forgetfulness, and because of your forgetfulness, the wasteful things make everything difficult. The costume of your body clings to one sanskar or other. Sometimes the word body consciousness is very simple. So we say, “Oh, I have to be soul conscious.” What is body consciousness? Not only five vices but very subtle old ways, any type of old sanskars which emerge is body conscious, because they are from the body conscious sanskar. So it's not just body consciousness, all of what we call Maya is from body consciousness. 

So, that is why Baba is saying that some thoughts, some sanskars, are very attached with the body. Baba says that everything of your body clings to one sanskar or other, that if the costume is tight, then you will not be able to remove it. So when you become detached from the sanskars, then your stage will become loving and detached like that of an angel. These things are not just a question of understanding, but practice. We look all day at how much we practise. If from time to time, during the day we practise, then definitely, there will be the results and experiences also. This is my sanskar, it has been emerging, and when it starts emerging, I practise being detached from that sanskar, your own old sanskar, you are detached. You will feel there is relief, there is lightness, there is love emerging, there is forgiveness, many qualities. I was able to look at Baba and be detached and a bestower, like Baba. So definitely there will be some beautiful experiences to be detached from old sanskars, from old thoughts, and churn on the qualities of Baba. So be happy, joyful, and celebrate. 

 Om Shanti 



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