Harmonizing_Sanskars_16 Mohini_Didi April 16, 2024
Om Shanti!
It’s a family, a worldwide family, whether we are in Shantivan, in Delhi or in New York or any place in the world, we are one family. A lot of new Baba’s children became part of Baba’s Avyakti Parivar. It was very beautiful to meet the unlimited family. Recently we had an annual meeting of India. There were more than 2000 teachers, main teachers. There could have been a lot more, but they wanted to still keep it limited. Raj yoga has been used in every field of life. They have 20 wings. I was telling them that wings really means to fly. Everyone celebrated in a big way, whether it was media, agriculture, or a festival, it is all Drama. The present government is becoming aware of the projects we are doing, so they want to start the projects also. Some of the programs have already begun. It is an immense, unlimited service. I was thinking that we should also think a little bit bigger now. The Confluence Age is the time where we all have to keep serving. It is a different world. On one side a lot of negativity, but then on the other side a lot of interest in finding alternate ways, different lifestyles than before. There are always some people who don’t want to get very involved, but the majority of the people like one project or the other. For example, one of the wings does cultural shows, they went to the governor's house in Ahmedabad, and now they plan to do this all over India. I feel that wherever Baba wants us to be an instrument, we happily do it. People are very happy to see us and to share our different style, and different ways to speak, there is a lot of joy. Finally, there has to be one rosary. We all have to be victorious. One of the victories definitely is changing one’s own sanskars. We have to emerge our innate original qualities.That’s all we have to do. There is not much effort really, what else do we have to do?
In India, they talk about seven qualities of the soul. So, someone was proposing that when I was coming we could have Monday for love, and Tuesday for peace all over the world. Our thoughts, our vibrations, our words, one quality we take per week. So I said it is a good proposal. Baba is talking about us being part of the rosary of victory. Baba says that whenever you prepare a rosary, each bead remains connected to the next bead. In the rosary of victory, even the last bead is connected to the other beads.Therefore, let everyone feel that they are like beads threaded in a rosary. Baba says that while having a variety of sanskars, let the closeness be visible. When there is closeness you don’t have to speak. Even signals can make everything happen. We start understanding each one’s signals, that is actually Baba’s signal. Why will anyone follow any human direction? It is Shrimat, what Baba wants me to do. That’s why we listen to Murli every morning, the same Murli all over the world.Then we talk about Murli. Whatever homework has to be done, whatever efforts have to be made It is all the same.
We were assessing that our organization, Brahma Kumaris, is the largest organization in the world. When they were counting the centers, they were counting the programs we do. Also, the laws keep changing in India, especially these days. As you all know, there is so much religious conversion, so a lot of things are not legal. The government keeps making more laws. One is about the use of money, transfer of money. They were saying that to keep account of 7800- centers and see how much they are worth. Then also when the laws keep changing and you have to submit this and submit that. So, I saw that but then accuracy in the Golden Age, everything will be accurate, but I don’t think we will need to keep an account. There will be abundance. So, it is good to see the system and cooperation of everyone. So what Baba wants to see is a small rosary, big rosary, very big rosary. So, I always say that you start with eight souls, the first rosary of eight. If eight souls can work together without any differences, even having different ideas, that’s okay but no conflict, total understanding of each other, doing things in a very harmonious way. If eight are ready, then 108, and then 16,108. This way it will become a very big rosary of victory. So let everyone prepare yourself such a bead that Baba’s drishti can go on you and you attract Baba. Baba wants to set you in a rosary. Which number, which color, where? One time I remember we were saying that God is busy making the rosary! So many souls, so many souls, and He selects them, then the stage goes high and low. How many times Baba says, “I can’t fix it yet.” It will be in the end. So keep the aim of being a bead of the rosary of victory and I am sure that if each one of us keeps the aim, we will be able to do the raas of sanskars.
Om Shanti