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The treasures of Godly perfection #18


Updated: Apr 1, 2024

Become_a_Carefree_Emperor_18      Mohini_Didi            March 18, 2024

Om Shanti !

Baba’s Care free kings , the kings of the land free from sorrow. Actually the magic words are  God's children, now definitely we have full introduction of Baba. About God what he is, what he does and what he removes. Removes sorrow gives happiness, but even before that at least we knew that he is the one with the bestower, he is the one who is fortune maker. So we knew about him as ocean. He is bestower, and being God's child all God's qualities are within the soul. Only what we have lost is fullness, what we have lost is our perfection. So what Baba is reminding us all the knowledge is really for us to reclaim our perfection. It's not something new we doing, because we began the cycle with perfection and gradually lost there was decline in the degrees of purity and all other powers and virtues. So this deep feeling of being like father, one is becoming like father. I always, always have this feeling that I'm like my father and it feels so natural to think that way, but then also we know that in practical in our thoughts, words, and actions we have to become that. But if we are and then we pay attention or keep reminding us then we become hundred percent complete. So we have these gods qualities, God’s treasures in us and only fullness has to come. So what baba wants us to keep reminding ourselves to claim that fullness to become full again and for that today’s homework is the treasures of Godly perfection. Bapdada has given you the title care free emperors, the emperors of the land without sorrow. So whenever any such situation arises, just go to the land without sorrow. If there is godly intoxication, there cannot be any worries and become carefree emperors, the emperors of the land without sorrow. So all of you are care free emperors of the treasures of Godly perfection. There is no worry about what will happen, how will it happen those who remain stable in the trikaldarshi  stage know, that that whatever is happening is good and whatever is going to happen will be even better. So how many times we remind ourselves or we remember. As soon as we have these thoughts not only one becomes carefree but also one feels very powerful. So even if you feel that your stage is not of that now, but keep repeating in mind, keep reminding yourself that this what Baba looks at me as a carefree emperor, and I really like the word godly perfection. Because when we are God's children there should be that perfection. It is just like a common saying, touch the gold, it says when you're running a race you have to go and touch the gold. Once  you touch it, you become that, you claim number. You have to be #1, not number wise. Everyone should think I have to be #1. I have to be #1. Baba says that, Baba will create many rosaries. If we have #108  already, Baba will create another rosary of 108 and he can keep creating. So we don't have to worry, we have already 108 ,how can I become? When Baba is saying, keep aim to become that. Sun dynasty means constantly victorious, it’s beautiful, very beautiful great versions of Baba, use them experience the power and become that.

Om Shanti !



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