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Transcribed Classes

The World Benefactor #8


Embodiment_of_Solutions _8 Mohini_Didi September 8, 2023

Om Shanti!

Under the canopy of World Benefactor Baba, we think what our Baba is and it becomes easy to accept that title. We always say Baba the World Benefactor, benefactor of all everyone. If anyone has problems, difficulty, Baba is there. He is the World Benefactor so Baba has removed the boundaries. Anything we do just have the thought it’s for the whole world, it’s for the benefit of the world. I think that our thoughts will travel. We should experiment with this tomorrow as our homework. Baba is a world benefactor but I am also a master world benefactor. This will help us not listen to dictates of our own minds, even to others. If there is a situation, take it as a test paper. When there is a test paper there is always a thought I must pass. It’s possible to pass with honor because if you do not pass then again the same paper has to be given. Each one of us should be going into a higher class, ascending, feeling more contentment, all attainments. That should be our experience because we had been making effort. We have been doing service for so many years so our stage should be what Baba is explaining in the Avyakt Murli.

I really felt that when we talk about peace, peace of mind, peace in the world, happiness in the world that means all the souls. Baba says either they have to go to liberation or they will attain liberation in life. Everyone is a part of that. It’s not that only half of the world is taken care of, that half of the world is in liberation and half is nowhere. All the souls at the same time, either they are in liberation or they are liberation in life. That means either they are in “mukti" or they are in “Jivan mukti”. We think about it, contemplate on that and start feeling Baba is a world benefactor, so I should also remember my form as master world benefactor. When you think as a master world benefactor you will have a thought, I have to serve everyone. We not only serve human beings, but we have to serve the elements. Not only elements, but we serve every living creature. When you think you have to serve air, water, nature, everything in the elements, our drishti, our feelings, our thoughts will be for the entire world, unlimited. Whatever I am doing is for the entire human kind, everyone. It’s a beautiful, very powerful thought and I think we should explore this more and more. Baba is saying remember world benefactor.

With experiencing your combined form as I and the Father, always experience your form of being the world benefactor. I am a master world benefactor, this should be our thought and how will that happen? Through your constant good wishes, elevated feelings, elevated worlds, elevated dristi and elevated actions. You will be able to find solutions to all problems in a second because nothing will disturb you. They are part of the world, everyone, every country, every city, people of any religion. We will have love for everyone. Always remember one slogan, I will not become a problem and I will also not fluctuate on seeing any problem. Baba in Avyakt Murli says it’s not even a problem, it's a test paper. You need tolerance, you need power to adjust and the power to face. Baba says that this awareness will make you the embodiment of success. That means whatever you do, that thought will not only increase our capacities but Baba’s blessings. We will think unlimited, we will go beyond my personal interest, attachment or attainments. It’s for the world. The more we think like this and, of course, pure feelings, not only will it bring beautiful experiences, but I think what will happen is also service in the world. There is a slogan to act locally, but think globally. It does happen because there are many things they started with one person and it went all around the world. Everyone liked it and accepted that idea. Whether Baba, peace or liberation, every thought we have should reach the whole world and they should start moving forward, towards the destination.

Om Shanti.



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