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Transcribed Classes

Unity in the gathering #7


Sweetness_and_Love_7                  Mohini_Didi                   February 7, 2024

Om Shanti Baba’s very very sweet and loveful children!

One of the important attainments of ‘sweetness and love’, is that you internally feel very happy. There's contentment that I am so nice with everyone, anything, even the words which are spoken. If there are sweet words, that sweetness is in you. Sweetness is in your words, so you experience it, you feel very good about it, but if you’re rough and if you’re hard, then after that or even while speaking it doesn’t feel very good right. You will try to forgive yourself. You will try to say ‘sorry’ to others, but when you are sweet, you don’t have to do all that. We always say that with your words, they can be used as thread and needle, but words can also be used like scissors, breaking, cutting. How do we mend it, stitch it, in this world of today? That loveful bond amongst each other is a big support, big strength, but for that, the quality of sweetness and love is very important. Whether you speak to a little child or to an old person, we have to be sweet, and sweetness does work. That’s what Baba is saying, that you can remain united, if you have sweetness and love. Sometimes things, this quality doesn’t work and you don’t see the result as you want or the attainment, but ultimately, it does bring results, At least you are happy, you have contentment, you feel good, right? That is more important than for others. Oh, they are not very happy, they are not very satisfied. So, I would definitely say that these are God’s versions and it is Truth, it has power. 

Baba is saying that from the very beginning, when there is sweetness, all the virtues will come. In this homework, Baba is talking about unity in the gathering. I remember that especially parents, they always talk about their children; good things about them. Children won’t mind it, but if you always say things, criticising them, then they don’t like it. So to remain respectful in the family is very important. Be very careful not to criticise anyone in front of others, but why should we do it anyway? Maybe because it's a little bit bitter. So, Baba is giving us homework, ‘unity in the gathering’. This is a big achievement within a family, your sweet words, and the vibrations of your sweet words will attract everyone towards you. Let your every word and every thought for every soul be sweet and great. Have the nature to uplift everyone, the nature of sweetness and the nature of humility and there will be unity in the gathering. All discrimination will finish because we all are different, and we need to be different. Sometimes people like whatever they say, and that everyone should accept it. For me, I feel, it’s all right, everyone can have different thoughts, different ideas, but there’s no differences, they are just different ideas. Some don’t like it, but I feel that it’s just like you have a variety of flowers and we make a beautiful bouquet out of them. In the same way, we all are different flowers of Baba, but when there is sweetness, there is love, then what we create is a beautiful bouquet. Some people like the same color, the same kind of flowers in a bouquet, and some like variety. Both have their own beauty, the same as with individuals, everyone has a different personality, but you have to have love and sweetness in the relationship. As Baba says. “The vibration creates an atmosphere.” As I said, one feels very good, who would like bitterness? Even if you eat something and it’s bitter, you don’t like it. It is the same as the bitterness of words or vibrations or feelings. Just have love and sweetness and Baba says that all other virtues will come. Most important is that unity will come in the family, in the gathering.

Om Shanti 



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