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Zeal & Enthusiasm - Free from bondage and accurately linked in yoga #25


Zeal_and_Enthusiasm_25 Mohini_Didi May 25, 2022

Om Shanti everyone!

It's ‘good evening’ here, but it is ‘good morning’ in Thailand, Korea, and many other places. For me, whenever I have to think about any stage, I just bring Brahma Baba in front of me. As soon as I look at Brahma Baba, I have a lot of zeal, enthusiasm, courage, and trust that if Baba can make it, if Baba can have that stage, why can’t we? Baba was asking this question, “Have you become master Oceans?” It’s not only just to be a point. There is no point to just be a point, unless I am master Ocean, and that's Baba's introduction. Baba is the Ocean of all the treasures, and I also have to be a master Ocean. One of the aspects, when I think of Brahma Baba, is how to take care of three aspects of time. One is knowing what is past. Now we can think of the past as 5000 years, or 2500 years, then there is the present, and then the future. It is only when I am making accurate, efficient efforts that I can be carefree, not because of faith. Faith is that everything is fixed in Drama. So, I should be carefree, but it won't be practical. There will always be some concerns, some subtle fear, some worries. Brahma Baba also had passed through the Copper Age and the Iron Age in body consciousness. We all did many body conscious actions that were definitely negative. So, there are a lot of sanskars of those actions, and they definitely will create some bondages, obstacles.

With Brahma Baba, taking care of the present meant that his thoughts were always good wishes, serving, and giving sakash. I don't think Brahma Baba had wasteful thoughts, because so many Baba’s children left the Yagya, and Baba didn't think ‘why’. That was their part. So, very nicely he said goodbye to them, and let them go and play their own part. Baba didn’t say a single word. So, their love with Baba continued. His thoughts, his words, his actions, his relationships, were not influenced by bondage, but were based on Shrimat. If I haven't been able to be in yoga while doing actions or taking care of Yagya, which Brahma Baba did, then the past karmic accounts create bondage. This could be in the form of lack of concentration, it could be physical, in relationship, sanskar or nature. All of these are obstacles, but there are some obstacles that are very subtle, and the intellect is not able to be with Baba.

Recently Baba had said in Murli also different aspects of Tapasya; concentration on One, and a consistent stage. Each one of us knows where we are at with that. We used to see Brahma Baba, whether sitting with children or for any kind of karma yoga, he was consciously creating remembrance of Baba. Whatever was happening, he would stay smiling, stable, and this gave a lot of courage to everyone. Like with Dadi Janki. As soon as she came in front, we felt so much courage in a very natural way. Her company was giving a lot of courage. We all have to follow Shrimat at present. Our mind, our body, our wealth, our relationship, use of everything in Shrimat deeply within guarantees us that the past will not influence us to the extent that I can’t make efforts at present. One of the very auspicious karma we can do and have attention on, is that my thoughts, words, actions should not create any obstacles in the Yagya. Any thought that comes, or bad feelings towards anyone, jealousy, then we express our feelings through actions, that creates another influence or atmosphere. I always feel that we are protectors of the Yagya, which means to always think elevated. So, if I am constantly having pure thoughts and then pure feelings, always speaking words of appreciation, encouragement, acknowledgement that everyone is doing so well, these words can uplift the souls.

A day or two ago, I was asked to say a few words about the ‘golden drops’. I really internally feel that we all should do something about consciously creating the Golden Age. So, what do I create in my inner space through my thoughts? We practice a lot about our eternal state, but what about the original stage? Original is Golden Aged, deity sanskars. So, when we say angel to deity, and Brahman to angel, what's the difference? What are the feelings and what are the relationships? I heard one question last Sunday, How does the soul leave the body in the Golden Age? How did Brahma Baba leave the body? In a bodiless stage. Baba gives an example that a snake sheds the old skin when the new one is there. We also find in our body that there is so much healing power. There is this whole energy within nature, also bringing new from the old. So, if we pay attention to our own healing capacity, creating a ‘golden age’ for ourselves, others will be around you, and what will they feel? All Baba's children in the BK family should very seriously and sincerely understand this and do it. Why can't we now emerge our future sanskars? Maybe there will be sanskars of pure love and generosity, just feeling abundance deeply from the heart, not only intellectual. Brahma Baba always thought of world service, and so we can do that, but still having that intoxication. Otherwise, we are connected with present situations.

So, we have to pay attention to the three aspects, especially at present. Following Shrimat accurately, and in this elevated awareness, we are creating a beautiful new world. Not only believing in that, but practically, we can do it. I'm sure if we do it, our spaces will all be very divine and ‘golden aged’. Then the souls who belong to that original family will come and will feel their original stage. “Oh, I felt so divine, I feel so elevated.” That's the experience I think we need to give the souls, because they are so heavy and unhappy. We give a lot of happiness because of that spiritual intoxication. So, we are looking for divinity, divine souls, because that kingdom, that world has to be created. We also have to, within ourselves, create that awareness, intoxication, and happiness. So, do the homework of ‘free from bondage and being yogyukt’ , that means to be constantly in remembrance of Baba.

Om Shanti



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